Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Global Rich List

I don't know about you, but I often find myself comparing my life to those who are financially far better off than I. This only results in coveting; desiring more and more when I have already been blessed with so much. Though in the states my Youth Director salary doesn't rank up there with the corporate moguls of this land, when comparing myself to those around the world I'm actually pretty rich. In fact I'm in the top 5.7% of the world, making me the 342,068,966th richest person in the world. The latter number doesn't appear high by any means until you consider that there are an estimated 6 billion people in the world. Now I always knew in the back of my head that when compared to others around the world I'm pretty rich, especially after I came home from Malawi, Africa, but until I visited Global Rich List I never realized just how well off I am. I encourage you to click on the icon below and see for yourself where you rank.

Global Rich List

FYI: A person working for minimum wage ($5.15/hr) for 20 hours a week will earn $5356 dollars a year (way below the US Poverty Line). This puts them in the top 14.31% of the world making them the 858,969,187th richest person in the world! I don't know about you but that's alarming and a call to be more fervent in prayer for and diligent in support of those around the world who are so desperately in need.


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